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CHDS 2014 Dental Mission



By Ghee Salcedo



The members of the Caring Hearts Dentistry Society (CHDS) led by its Chairman Elena C. Agala and President Dr. Danilo Salcedo launched a remarkable undertaking as they successfully conducted a Dental Mission in the Philippines, specifically in the disaster-stricken areas in Bohol, Cebu City and Tacloban City. This mission, funded primarily by the Society’s founding directors Dr. Danilo Salcedo, Dr. Gloria Samosa, Dr. Francisca Valdes and Ms. Elena Agala, were conducted in partnership with the Rotary World Help and the Rotary Club of Richmond Sunrise. This humanitarian program aims to help the needy and less fortunate to alleviate their sufferings brought about by the recent 7.2 magnitude earthquake and typhoon Haiyan that hit the Philippines late last year. The humanitarian endeavour of CHDS began when they left Vancouver in British Columbia on January 2, 2014. Upon their arrival in the Philippines, they immediately headed to the Municipality of Panglao in Bohol where they stayed there from January 4 to 10, 2014. The Canadian-Filipino dentists and members of the CHDS went to the Trinity’s Angels Care Home where they distributed toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and clothing to the orphan children. Moreover, the CHDS went to a fishing village in Barangay Doljo, Panglao and organized a mass feeding for 800 children and parents. A dental mission were also carried out benefitting 1,400 patients (adult and children) that provided them various procedures such as tooth extraction, restoration and prophylaxis. Apart from this, the CHDS has also distributed relief aid, hospital and dental equipment and medical supplies essential for the community’s need. The good deed of the CHDS members did not end with this as they successfully opened a Rotary Library and a Computer Centre equipped with the donated computers readily available for the utilization of the public. The group continued their endeavour as they proceeded to Cebu City to conduct a similar mission from January 11 to 17, 2014. They visited the Department of Social Welfare & Development Area Vocational Rehabilitation Center Home for Girls (battered women and children) and Home for Persons with Disabilities (deaf, blind, mute). CHDS team administered a mass feeding as well as performing one thousand (1,000) various dental treatments to the said individuals. CHDS team headed by Elena Agala also inspected a donated library and a dental clinic from Rotary World Help in DSWD Labangon. Subsequently, they went in Zapatera Elementary School where they distributed toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and clothing.. More so, the CHDS performed dental mission to teachers and students of the said school. One thousand five hundred (1,500) patients benefitted from the said activity. In addition, CHDS has also taken the opportunity to visit the Canadian fire truck shipped by Rotary World Help on January 2012. The significant work made by the members of the CHDS in the three islands of the Philippines was not left unnoticed as they were given due recognition by Canadian Ambassador Neil Reeder and Canadian Senator Tobias Enverga held in the City Government of Manila on January 20, 2014. The Ambassador and Senator acknowledged Caring Hearts Dentistry Society's humanitarian services and hard work rendered to the people of Bohol, Cebu City and Tacloban, Leyte from January 4 to 24, 2014. The two dignitaries were also present in witnessing the turnover ceremony of Rotary World Help three containers donation for six hospitals in Manila led by Past District Governor Josie Ang of District 3810 and Dr. Cynthia Munoz in partnership with the City of Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada. All Rotary District officials were present. . The society also went to Tacloban City from January 21 to 24, 2014 to extend their chartable efforts. They have donated food and distributed toys, hygiene packs, and clothing. Additionally, they conducted dental mission benefitting 600 patients in Tacloban City Hospital. The CHDS is a registered non-profit society that is purely civic and social in nature. It is a group of Canadian-Filipino dentists and volunteers from Vancouver, British Columbia conducting international dental missions. The members of the 2014 Dental Mission to the Philippines are Elena Agala, Dr. Danilo Salcedo, Dr. Gloria Samosa, Dr. Francisca Valdes, Dr. Marietta Quiambao, Ghee Salcedo, Pacifico Alegro, Francisco Valdes, Steve Gable, Bonnie Gable, Ronald Mackenzie, Margaret Mackenzie, Michelle Ann Quiambao, Nancy Bantug, Jenny de Guzman, Minerva Tolentino, Mirjana Valdes, Andrew Milne, Sydney Harrison and Lorna Simms. Finally, to compliment all of these, a holistic medicine lecture and treatment by Dr. Danilo Salcedo such as acupuncture, hypnosis, tai chi and osteopathy (bone alignment) was also carried out to the calamity victims and Rotary partners in Bohol, Cebu City and Tacloban, Leyte. With the success of the 2014 Dental Mission to the Philippines, the society, together with their supporters, envisions helping more people as they go on with their journey of serving their constituents. SUMMARY REPORT • 4,500 patients were provided dental care in Bohol, Cebu City and Tacloban, Leyte affected by the earthquake and typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda in the Philippines) • Distribution of basic health supplies including toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste and hygiene packs. • Giving out toys, clothing, Tim Horton T-shirts and Edgewater Casino sweatshirts and pants to all patients & calamity survivors. • Mass feeding to 1050 poor children, adults, disabled people and abused women/children in Bohol and Cebu City • Distribution of basic food supplies in Tacloban, Leyte such as rice, noodles, milk, coffee, canned goods, water bottles and the like. FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (4,500) PATIENTS were served by members of CARING HEARTS DENTISTRY SOCIETY in three provinces of the Philippines from January 4 to 24, 2014 which included tooth extractions, dental fillings and tooth restoration. Approximate value in Philippine Currency for the services rendered is P4,025,000 (Four million twenty five thousand pesos) equivalent to C$100,625 (One hundred thousand six hundred twenty five Canadian dollars).






CHDS 2015 Dental Mission



by: Ghee Salcedo



The Caring Hearts Dentistry Society (CHDS) have just concluded another successful dental mission to the Philippines on February 9 to 18, 2015 in cooperation with Rotary World Help. After performing about 3,200 procedures for eight (8) days, the people of Panglao, Bohol have received approximately C$ 50,000 or 1.7 million pesos worth of dental services through this project. Moreover, over 500 children benefited from the Society's feeding program held in a fishing village of Panglao, Bohol. Packed meals were distributed and served. Sample menu was hotdog sandwiches, rice, fried chicken, orange juice and ice cream. CHDS performed preventive and operative dentistry, exodontias (tooth extractions) and pediatric dentistry services. Preventive programs, including administering fluoride, are provided to most of the local elementary and high school students, where each one was given a toothbrush and floss. Proper brushing techniques and oral hygiene instructions were likewise demonstrated by dentists and hygienists. Dental caries (decay) and periodontal (gum) disease are the two most widespread diseases worldwide. Dental infections are often painful and occasionally may be life-threatening. While many projects focus only on the provision of extraction services to combat these diseases, Caring Hearts Dentistry Society provides restorative and preventive dental services as well. Several portable periodontal scalers and portable dental delivery units along with suction machines and more supplies were purchased by CHDS purposely to serve more people during dental missions. The just concluded 2015 Dental mission to the Philippines incorporates a variety of portable dental units, compressors, generators, dental chairs, and other equipment to make the services a reality, The big stage of Panglao Cultural Center have been converted into a fully functioning dental clinic. Additionally, beside paying a visit to CHDS dental mission, the Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines, his Excellency Neil Reeder together with his wife Madame Irene, attended and facilitated the turnover of donated goods, Tim Horton shirts, tons of clothing from Edgewater Casino, adult and kid's multi-vitamins, big bottles of antiseptic liquid soaps, adult diapers, anti-bacterial wipes, sewing machines, desktop computer sets, books, dictionaries, school supplies, hundreds of bicycles, incubators, various hospital equipment and supplies by Rotary World Help to the people of Panglao. Two fire trucks have also been received by the Municipality of Panglao donated by Rotary Club of Langley. Each day's activities are truly a group effort between the Caring Hearts Dentistry Society members, the 53rd Engineer Brigade of Philippine Army, 1305th GHQ Dental Dispensary, Philippine Air Force, AFP Dental Service, local counterparts of Tagbilaran Provincial Dental Unit and volunteers from the said island. All groups are essential to the success of the dental outreach program. Caring Hearts Dentistry Society is a non-profit society and is self-funded with a mission to strive for, attain and deliver the highest level of free dental care to the needy and less fortunate that has little or no access to dental healthcare. CHDS members of the 2015 Dental Mission to the Philippines are Elena Agala, CHDS Chairperson, Dr. Danilo Salcedo (President), Dr. Gloria Samosa (Vice-Pres.), Dr. Francisca Valdes, Dr. Marietta Quiambao, Francisco Valdes (Treasurer), Nerissa Salcedo (Secretary), Pacifico Alegro, Lorna Simms, Steve Gable, Bonnie Gable, Dr. Mary Jane Fuster & Carlotta Perez (from USA), Howard & Leni Humffray (from Australia), Andrew Milne, Jovencio Salonoy, Nancy Bantug and Minerva Tolentino.






CHDS 2016 Dental Mission



By Ghee Salcedo



Caring Hearts Dentistry Society (CHDS) have just completed a very successful dental mission in two provinces of the Philippines from February 15 to 27, 2016. It ran for two weeks giving free dental service to the people of Casiguran, Sorsogon and Panglao, Bohol. The dental activity in Panglao is a follow up of the successful dental mission conducted at Panglao Island on January 2014 and February 2015. Among the services rendered to the two communities were oral examination, tooth restoration, extraction, dental prophylaxis and scaling. The team treated schoolchildren and adults which aim to promote oral health awareness and enhance oral hygiene in Casiguran and Panglao. CHDS have set up the clinic in Casiguran Gymnasium and in Panglao Cultural Center near the respective Municipal Halls. Patients waited in long queue for treatments every day despite of heavy rains as it periodically rained heavily in Casiguran. Many got their front teeth fixed that made a difference in their lives. Toothbrushes, dental floss and bottles of mouth rinse were given away to each patient to improve dental health. Antibiotics and other medicines were also made available to appropriate beneficiaries. Caring Hearts Dentistry Society always ended the day in high spirits knowing that the two communities benefitted immensely from the free dental service provided. In general, the atmosphere was so inspiring and welcoming to see the change the dental mission made in each patient’s life. A feeding program was also arranged by Caring Hearts Dentistry Society for two hundred school children. The dental team from Canada have worked hand in hand with staff members and volunteers of each provincial LGUs (local government units). Working together was a satisfying experience and a pleasant one. With a dynamic Canadian team and wonderful local partners, the dental missions have accomplished 4,389 procedures with 1,441 prophylaxis, 1,966 extraction and 989 restorative treatments. A total of 2.3 million pesos or C$ 70,000 in dental fees was made based on Philippine standard. Additionally, the local officials of Casiguran, Sorsogon and Panglao Island conveyed their outmost gratitude and appreciation to the dental service rendered in each place. The self-funded and noble project is a yearly dental mission event of Caring Hearts Dentistry Society composed of dentists, hygienists, professionals and volunteers from British Columbia, USA and Australia in cooperation with Rotary Club of Richmond Sunrise and Rotary World Help to increase access to quality oral healthcare around the Philippines. The CHDS 2016 Rotary Dental Mission to the Philippines was chaired by Elena Agala with Dr. Danilo Salcedo as President, Dr. Gloria Samosa (Vice President), Dr. Francisca Valdes, Dr. Marietta Quiambao, Pacifico Alegro, Nerissa Salcedo (Secretary), Francisco Valdes (Treasurer), Lorna Simms, Dr. Kim Ide, Mao Ide, 2Lt Jovencio Salonoy, Kimberly Sales, Howard Humffray, Leni Humffray, Kyle Gomes, Darryl Samosa, Nancy Bantug and Minerva Tolentino.

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